How to contact Standards New Zealand
Due to industrial action, if you are calling our customer service centre there may be a delay in answering or an interruption to your call. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Technical or compliance enquiries
Where to go for advice and guidance on the technical content of a standard. If you need technical advice we suggest you approach the relevant regulator for the sector the standard relates to, industry body or public register of licensed or registered professions where applicable.
Standards New Zealand is not a regulator nor subject matter experts in the content of standards. Standards are developed through a consensus and representative process utilising industry and Government subject matter and technical experts.
We do not enforce or ensure compliance with standards. Where standards are cited/referenced in legislation of regulation as a means of compliance under a particular regulatory system, the relevant Government regulator for that sector may have an enforcement or compliance role.
We are not able to respond to technical queries about the content of a standard. This is outside our legislated purpose, responsibility, and area of expertise. We are also unable to comment on the application or interpretation of standards, as this is often handled by technical industry experts.
Contact details
For all other enquiries please drop us an email or call us during business hours Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5pm. You may find further information and contact details throughout the website with some specific links provided below.
Freephone: 0800 782 632 (New Zealand)
Phone: +64 3 943 4259
Standards New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street
Wellington 6011
Postal address: PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140
Specific enquiries
Copyright - information about permissions to reuse copyrighted information.
Online library subscriptions - information on our collections and online library service.
Standards Approval Board - information about the board and contact email.
ISO and IEC committee membership - for information relating to participation on international committees.
Official information act requests(external link) - MBIE's information on making a request for official information.
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) enquiries(external link) - information on avoiding barriers to trade and who to go to for help.
Refunds and returns - information on our refunds policy.
Feedback - information to make a complaint or suggestion.